A burst pipe is one of the most stressful plumbing emergencies we can encounter. Whether it’s caused by freezing temperatures, old pipes, or sudden pressure changes, a burst pipe can cause significant water damage to our home in a short amount of time. Knowing what to do when a pipe bursts can make all the difference in minimizing damage and keeping our home safe.

The most critical step to take when a pipe bursts is to act quickly. Water from a burst pipe can flood rooms, damage furniture, and even affect the structural integrity of our home. By taking immediate measures, we can control the situation and reduce the amount of water damage that occurs. The sooner we stop the water flow and take steps to mitigate the damage, the better off we’ll be.

In this article, we’ll cover the essential steps to take when dealing with a burst pipe. From shutting off the water supply to calling a professional plumber, we’ll provide clear, actionable advice to help us handle this emergency effectively. With these steps in mind, we can protect our home and ensure that any needed repairs are handled swiftly and efficiently.

Shut Off the Water Supply Immediately

The first step to take when a pipe bursts is to shut off the water supply immediately. This is crucial to prevent further water from flooding our home and causing more damage. The main water shut-off valve is usually located where the water line enters the house, often in the basement, crawl space, or near the water heater. If we’re unsure where it is, it’s important to find it ahead of time so we can act quickly in an emergency.

Once we’re at the main shut-off valve, turn it clockwise to stop the water flow. This action will halt the incoming water and reduce the amount of water escaping from the burst pipe. It’s a good idea to practice turning off this valve in advance, so we’re familiar with its location and operation when we need to act fast.

In addition to shutting off the main water supply, we should also open the faucets throughout the house. This helps to drain any remaining water in the pipes, reducing the pressure and minimizing further leakage. Acting quickly to cut off the water supply limits the amount of damage and sets the stage for the next steps in handling the burst pipe.

Drain the Pipes to Minimize Damage

After shutting off the main water supply, the next step is to drain the pipes to minimize damage. Draining the pipes relieves any remaining pressure and removes excess water that might still be in the system. To do this, go to the highest faucet in the house, such as a bathroom sink on an upper floor, and turn it on. Then, work your way down to the lowest faucet, like a basement sink or an outdoor hose bib.

By opening these faucets, we allow water to flow out of the pipes, helping to prevent any residual water from contributing to the flooding or pressure build-up. It’s important to flush toilets as well, as they can hold a significant amount of water. This step ensures that as much water as possible is removed from the system.

For extra precaution, if the burst pipe is in a heated area of the house, we can also consider turning off the heating system temporarily. This helps prevent any remaining water in the pipes from expanding or creating additional pressure that could lead to further bursts. Taking these steps to drain the pipes carefully helps to control the situation and limit the extent of water damage.

Locate and Assess the Burst Pipe

Once we’ve shut off the water supply and drained the pipes, the next step is to locate and assess the burst pipe. Start by looking for obvious signs of leakage, such as puddles of water, wet spots on walls or ceilings, or streams of water flowing from somewhere unexpected. Burst pipes can often leave visible clues, making it easier to identify the problem area.

If the burst pipe is not immediately visible, follow the sound of running water or drips, which can lead us to the source. Checking in areas like basements, crawl spaces, and under sinks can help pinpoint the break. When we locate the burst pipe, assess the extent of the damage. Small cracks or splits might be manageable with temporary fixes, but larger ruptures will require immediate professional attention.

While assessing, it’s important to take note of the materials and surrounding environment. This can be helpful information when explaining the situation to a plumber. We need to check if the pipe is accessible or if we need to remove parts of walls or flooring to reach it. Identifying and understanding the extent of the damage allows us to communicate effectively with a professional plumber, ensuring they come prepared to resolve the issue efficiently.

Call a Professional Plumber for Repairs

After identifying and assessing the extent of the damage, the final and most crucial step is to call a professional plumber for repairs. While temporary fixes might help manage minor leaks, professional help is necessary to properly repair or replace the burst pipe and ensure the rest of our plumbing system is intact.

Contact a licensed plumber as soon as possible and explain the situation in detail. Be prepared to provide information on the location and type of burst pipe, the extent of the damage, and any initial steps we’ve taken. Prompt communication helps the plumber understand the urgency and come equipped with the necessary tools and materials.

While waiting for the plumber to arrive, it’s important to continue mitigating water damage. Utilize towels, mops, and buckets to clean up any standing water, and consider using fans and dehumidifiers to dry the affected areas. This helps prevent mold and mildew from developing, which can lead to further health and structural issues.

Having a professional assess and repair the burst pipe ensures that the job is done correctly and safely. They can also check for any additional issues that might have gone unnoticed and provide advice on preventing future pipe bursts. Trusting a professional with these repairs brings peace of mind and restores our plumbing system to full functionality.


Handling a burst pipe can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, but taking the right steps immediately can significantly reduce the damage and inconvenience. By shutting off the water supply, draining the pipes, locating and assessing the burst pipe, and calling a professional plumber, we can manage the situation effectively and protect our home.

If you’re dealing with a burst pipe or need any plumbing assistance, Shoreway Plumbing is here to help. Our team of experienced professionals is ready to address your plumbing emergencies and provide reliable solutions. Contact our licensed plumbers in California today for expert service and peace of mind.